
How to notify Nectar directly


How do you register a death with Sainsbury's Nectar Card?

Sainsbury's Nectar Card can be contacted by:

0344 811 0 811

What documentation will Sainsbury's Nectar Card need?

Sainsbury's Nectar Card asks that you provide: 

  • The Nectar Card number (16-digit)
  • The deceased’s name and contact details
  • The name of the person who the points will be transferred to

What happens next?

If the points are to be transferred, then Sainsbury’s Nectar Card should arrange this for you.

About Life Ledger

Who you can notify with Life Ledger

Life Ledger is a secure, easy-to-use service to send death notifications

What you need

The deceased’s:

  • Date of Birth
  • Date of Death
  • Full name and usual address
  • Death certificate or interim death certificate (scan or photograph)

Life Ledger can help

Our platform allows you to notify service providers and relevant companies quickly and efficiently. We aim to reduce the administerial stress surrounding the loss of a loved one.



Find out more
Life Ledger is secure, easy-to-use and allows you close all of the accounts connected to the deceased quickly and easily from one place
We can help
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Find out more
Life Ledger is a free, easy to use platform that helps families simplify the death notification process.