Who we are
We are Life Ledger. We provide a simple service to allow individuals to send notifications to companies the deceased had accounts with. We also provide a secure online life planning account service to hold an individual’s estate details, their will, any personal instructions and details of friends, family, solicitors, and executors ready for end of life (known as ‘Register a life’ or ‘End-of-life planning tool’).
- The terms we use
- Creating an account
- ID documents and identity checks
- Registering a death
- Information provided by funeral directors
- Companies who advertise with us
- Registering a life
- Registering your own life
- Registering someone else’s life
- Adding companies and sending notifications
- Sharing information with service providers
- Messages function to contact us and service providers
- Customer support
- Retention and deleting your account or information
- Marketing
- Data sharing
- Data location
- Analytics
- Your privacy rights
- GDPR lawful bases
- Contact us
- Information for service providers
The terms we use
Account owner: this is the person who sets up a Life Ledger account. The account owner may be:
- sending notifications relating to a registered death;
- acting on behalf of a client to send these notifications; or
- storing their own or someone else’s life information for the future.
The account owner is also responsible for paying any subscription fee (if applicable).
There may be more than one person involved in a registered death, for example, the person who starts the process to notify companies may add a solicitor and the deceased’s partner. Or a solicitor handling the notifications may add the partner of the deceased and the will executor. The individuals who have been added can then set up their own account to access the details of the registered death. They then become an account owner for their own account.
Service provider: any business or organisation notified of a death through the Life Ledger service.
Registered death: this is the detail and activity relating to a deceased individual.
Registered death executor: this is the person who is the executor for the estate of the deceased.
Registered death administrator: this is the person who is administering the estate of the deceased in the situation where there is no will.
Registered death partner: this is the partner of the person whose death is being notified.
Registered death collaborator: this is a person who is neither the partner nor the executor / administrator, but who is or will be involved in some way with a notification (for example, a solicitor).
Registered life: this is the estate details of a living individual.
Registered life executor: this is the person who is the executor for the estate of the person whose estate details are being stored.
Registered life partner: this is the partner of the person whose estate details are being stored.
Registered life collaborator: this is a person who is neither the partner nor the executor, but who is or will be involved in some way with the life registration (for example, a sibling or someone added to inform them of the life registration so they can take action when the individual dies).
Creating an account
To set up your account we will need the following information.
- Title and name
- Contact details: e-mail, phone, address.
- Date of birth
- Payment card details for the subscription fee (if applicable)
- Login details: email and password you create (we do not have access to your password)
ID documents and identity checks
Some service providers require a copy of a government-issued ID document before they will accept a notification of a registered death. This is usually because their own processes require them to carry out their own identity checks.
When you want to send a notification to a service provider who needs a copy of your ID document, we will ask you to upload it and we then store it securely on our servers. We then provide it with the notification you send to any service provider who requires it.
Some service providers ask us to carry out an identity check before they will accept a notification.
In these cases, we do this by checking your name, address and date of birth against credit reference agency records. You will see information about which credit reference agency we will use when you go through the check. The check is recorded on your credit file as an identity check and is a ‘soft search’ which means it does not affect your credit score and is not seen by organisations checking your credit file.
When you send notifications to service providers that require this, we will tell them that you passed the ID check. We will keep your identity check information for as long as it is needed. If you add additional accounts that need an ID check, we won’t need to redo it.
If the credit reference agency check fails, we ask you to provide us with a copy of a government-issued ID document. We check the details you provided on registering against the ID document and the information the credit reference agency provided, if they held any information about you. The initial credit reference agency check can fail due to typing errors, use of a previous or abbreviated name, a change of address, an overseas address, or if you don’t have any or enough credit history for the credit reference agency to check your details against.
Registering a death
You must have the authority to send notifications on behalf of the deceased.
You will need to provide the following information about the deceased, as this is the information service providers usually need when they process notifications.
- Title and name
- Date of birth
- Date of death
- Your relationship to the deceased
- Current address and any previous addresses if they were at the current address for less than 3 years.
- The ownership status of the property and if it is currently empty or occupied.
- Death certificate: most service providers need a copy of the certificate; some only need certain details from it.
We will send an email to anyone you add to inform them that you have added them. They will then be able to set up a Life Ledger account and see the registered death details.
You can then start adding the companies the deceased had accounts with, and sending the notifications. See ‘Adding companies and sending notifications’ for more information.
Information provided by funeral directors
Some funeral directors work directly with us, so if you have agreed to use our service while talking to them, they will automatically send us some of the information listed above about you and the deceased. This means you don’t have to repeat it all when you start to use our service. We will send you an email if you come to us through this route.
Details sent to us:
Bereaved: name, address, contact details, date of birth, relationship to deceased.
Deceased: name, address, date of birth, date of death, surviving partner details, executor details.
Companies who advertise with us
When you provide the details of the deceased, at certain points you may see information on companies offering services that may be relevant and useful to you. For example our probate partner – Sail Probate – who you can book a phone appointment with from within our platform. To do this you will need to share your name and phone number with Sail Probate. You may have the option to share the following information to help them prepare for the call.
- The full name of the deceased.
- Your relationship to the deceased (child, partner and so on).
- Your position in terms of administering the estate (executor, administrator or neither).
- Whether the estate includes any property.
Sail Probate are responsible for the information you provide after you have provided it. We encourage you to read their privacy notice. They will share with us some information about how many people who booked an appointment have bought their services, and they pay us a commission.
Registering a life
You can register your own or someone else’s life. We ask if the person whose life is being registered is terminally ill (they have a terminal diagnosis or are in end of life care). If either of these is the case at the time of registration then we waive any fees for the service. This information is optional and is not used for any other purpose.
After the death of the person whose life is registered, whoever is handling the notifications to companies will need to add further information, such as the date of death, and a copy of documents such as the death certificate and a will.
Registering your own life
We will prefill your basic contact details and date of birth from your account setup information.
You will then need to add the following information.
- Your previous addresses if you have not lived at your current address for 3 years or more.
- The ownership status of the property. Utilities and insurance providers often request this information to process notifications.
- If you have a partner and, if so, their name, email and phone number.
- If you have a will and, if so, the name, email and phone number of any executor(s). You can choose if the executor has full access or read-only access. You can also upload a copy of your will and indicate who you want it to be visible to.
- You can also upload any funeral plan, insurance policy or other relevant documents and choose who you want them to be visible to.
- You can add the contact details of any other person you want to tell about the life registration, so that they can take action to notify companies after you die.
We will send an email to anyone you add to inform them that you have added them. They will then be able to set up a Life Ledger account and see the life registration details, details of others you have added, and any documents (in line with the document access permissions you have set).
You can then start adding the companies you have accounts with. See ‘Adding companies’ for more information.
Registering someone else’s life
If you are the next of kin, or a will executor for a relative, you may want to register their life in advance, so you have all the details you need to notify companies when the person dies. If you work in a hospice or similar care setting, your organisation may offer to help your residents or patients register their life.
You will need to get permission from the individual to provide all their personal details to register their life. We will ask you to confirm you have the authority to act for them.
You will need to add the following information about the person whose life you are registering.
- Their title, name, email and date of birth.
- Your relationship to them.
- Their address.
- Their previous addresses if they have not lived at their current address for 3 years or more.
- The ownership status of the property. Utilities and insurance providers often request this information to process notifications.
- If they have a partner and, if so, the partner’s name, email and phone number. If you are the partner we will prefill your details from the ones you have already provided.
- If they have a will and, if so, the name, email and phone number of any executor(s). You can choose if the executor has full access or read-only access. You can also upload a copy of their will and indicate who you want it to be visible to.
- You can also upload any funeral plan, insurance policy or other relevant documents and choose who you want them to be visible to.
- You can add the contact details of any other person you want to tell about the life registration, so that they can take action to notify companies after the death of the person whose life you are registering.
We will send the person an email to tell them you have registered their life. They will be able to set up a Life Ledger account and access the life registration details.
We will send an email to anyone you add to inform them that you have added them. They will then be able to set up a Life Ledger account and see the life registration details, in line with the access permissions you have set.
You can then start adding the companies the person whose life you are registering has accounts with. See ‘Adding companies and sending notifications’ for more information.
Adding companies and sending notifications
Once you have registered the details of a death or a life you can add the companies the individual has accounts with. You can choose from our drop-down list of companies, or let us know if a company is missing.
You will need to provide relevant information for each company. This will vary depending on the type of company and what they need to process notifications. Typically, you will need to provide the following information.
- The account or policy number, or username of the deceased.
- For financial organisations: sort code; card number, National Insurance number, whether or not there was a will, and details of executors or administrators. Some may need to see a copy of the will.
- For utilities: the products or services; meter readings
- If you want to close or switch the account to another person (such as the partner of the deceased), and the details of who you want to switch it to.
- If you want to transfer any points the deceased had with the company,
- Some ask for next of kin.
Sharing your information with service providers
The purpose of the service is to provide the relevant details of the deceased to multiple service providers in one transaction. We will only pass on information that the service provider requires.
The main way to send the information is when you send notifications through our platform. If you get help from our Customer Support team they may need to call the service providers and provide the information over the phone or directly into their system using an online form. Service providers who accept notifications from our platform will be able to access a portal to view the notification information on our platform.
When you notify them of a death, the service providers also need your name and contact details, both to know who has made the notification and in case they need to contact you.
Some service providers also require a copy of your ID document. If this is the case, and you have already uploaded it, we will share this with them on their request. If you have not uploaded it you will need to do so.
Sharing collaborator information with service providers
If someone adds you to a registered death as a partner, executor, administrator or legal representative, your details will be included in the notifications sent to some service providers. If you are any other type of collaborator, your details will not be shared with service providers.
Messages function to contact us and service providers
There is a messages function in our platform where you can contact us and a service provider, and we and the service provider can contact you.
This is only available to service providers who accept automated notifications from our platform. Service providers who require manual notifications have no access to the messages function.
In most cases your notification is delivered directly to the service provider and they will contact you with any further questions or next steps. This may be a message sent through our platform’s messages function or through their own communication channels. Where there is an issue with the automated notification, in some cases our customer support can help. See ‘Customer support’ for more details.
Customer support
There are different ways you can contact us for help. In your account there is a messaging function, see the section ‘Messages function to contact us and service providers’ for more information. You can also email us or use the ‘contact us’ form on our website at any time. During office hours you may also be able to contact our customer support team directly using our online chat. If this functionality is not available (such as outside office hours or if we are experiencing high chat volumes) you can also leave us a chat message.
We store and manage any correspondence and associated notes on our back-end systems and Zendesk.
In some cases, where there are issues with automated notifications, customer support staff are able to make a phone notification to a service provider on your behalf. They will add any relevant notes into our system and contact you with any further questions or next steps.
In some cases customer support staff are able to fill in an online form on your behalf. Where possible, they will send you a copy of this or otherwise make it available to you. They will add any relevant notes into our system and contact you with any further questions or next steps.
If there are technical issues or bugs on our platform or within your account, our technical team may need access to your account to understand what isn’t working and to fix it.
Retention and deleting your account or information
As set out above in ‘Creating your account’ we may hold the personal data of several individuals in relation to one registered death or life. This means that what we need to keep and what we are able to delete will vary depending on the individual’s role in the death or life registration and whether they also have their own Life Ledger account or not.
If you have a Life Ledger account and are not associated with any registered death or life, please contact us at privacy@lifeledger.com if you would like us to delete your account.
If you have a Life Ledger account and are only associated with a registered life, please contact us at privacy@lifeledger.com if you would like us to delete your account.
For life registrations that you pay for, if you do not renew a subscription, we will keep your information for 6 years after the renewal date. This is in case you decide to reactivate the life registration or use one of our other services.
If you have a Life Ledger account and are associated with a registered death in any way, what we can delete depends on whether any notifications have been sent or not, and what your specific role in the death registration is.
If you have been invited to create a Life Ledger account by being named as a collaborator on a registered death set up by someone else, but have not yet done so, what we can delete also depends on whether any notifications have been sent or not and what your specific role in the death registration is.
If any notifications have been sent, and you are the notifier, or a collaborator whose details have been passed onto any of the notified companies, we can make your account inaccessible, but we will need to archive and keep your data for a further 6 years. This is because it provides an evidence trail of who notified which companies of what details about the deceased. This is in case we are challenged by anyone connected to the deceased or if the authority of the notifier is questioned. In some cases, it may be possible to delete an account rather than make it inaccessible. Please contact us at privacy@lifeledger.com if you would like us to delete your account and we will explain what we can and can’t do.
When you sign up for an account you are able to opt out of us sending you emails about other Life Ledger products and services.
For our business marketing we collect your contact details:
- directly from you;
- through LinkedIn;
- from relevant publicly-available websites.
You can unsubscribe at any time using the link in the email, or by contacting us on privacy@lifeledger.com
Data sharing
Your data gets shared, viewed or is accessible in the following ways to the following individuals or organisations.
- Other people you add to a registered death or life: if they go on to set up their own account, they will be able to access data in the registered death or life. The name, email and relationship to the deceased for all collaborators is visible to all other collaborators. The phone number for the surviving partner, legal representative, administrator and executor is also visible, as this is passed onto service providers in notifications.
- Service providers: when you send notifications (as set out in ‘Adding companies and sending notifications’); when you contact them using the messaging function within the platform (as set out in ‘Messaging function to contact us and service providers’).
- Life Ledger customer support: when you contact us using the messaging function within the platform (as set out in ‘Messaging function to contact us and service providers’); when you contact us by email, contact form, chat or phone and we need to access your account to help you (as set out in ‘Customer support’).
- Life Ledger technical support: when there are issues or bugs that we need to fix, and we need to access your account to do so (as set out in Customer support’).
- Credit reference agency: as part of identity checks (as set out in ‘Adding companies and sending notifications’ > ‘ID documents and identity checks’).
- Partners who advertise with us: as analytics for them when you click through to their website from within our platform, if they have analytics enabled on their website for this purpose; when you choose to arrange a callback with a partner offering this option from within our platform; when you choose to also share some information with the partner to help them plan for the call (as set out in ‘Adding companies and sending notifications’ > ‘Companies who advertise with us’).
- Stripe and GoCardless: when you pay for our products. You will see a message in the platform telling you that you are being transferred to one of these payment providers.
- Other business support service providers: to run our business we use some third-party organisations, for data storage, customer support, payment, business partner contacts, analytics, marketing emails, platform and website development, technical support, and financial, legal and data protection advice.
Legal obligations
We may disclose your personal information if we, in good faith, believe that we are required to do so by law, regulation or the order of court or other legitimate government body.
If we sell our business or assets
We may have to share personal information with any person or legal entity to whom we sell or transfer (or start discussions with to sell or transfer) our business or any part of it.
Data location
We keep all our user data in the UK. Some of the service providers we use are located in other countries. Where this is the case we have agreements with them that include legally-required clauses to cover any transfer of data to other countries.
We use analytics on our website and on our platform. We use what is known as a ‘cookie management tool’ to manage this and any permissions you give for analytics. Please see the tool on the website and this page for more information: https://lifeledger.com/cookies/
Your privacy rights
To make any rights request, please contact privacy@lifeledger.com
Access rights
You are entitled to know what personal information we hold about you and to receive a copy of it. By logging into your account you can see all the information you have provided us in relation to our services (except the ID verification information which we can provide on request).
If you receive an email from us to tell you that someone else has added you to a registered death or life, but you do not set up your own Life Ledger account: the data we hold about you will be your name and contact details, and your relationship to the deceased or person registering a life.
Correction rights
You are entitled to correct personal information we hold about you that is inaccurate. You can correct most of the information in your account that you have provided.
Deletion rights
In certain circumstances you are entitled to ask us to delete the personal information we hold about you. As set out above deletion is complicated!
If you would like us to delete your account or other information, please contact us at privacy@lifeledger.com. There may be information that we are unable to delete for legal reasons. For more information, please see the section above ‘Retention and deleting your account and information’ as well as the ‘Legal obligation’ information below in the section ‘GDPR lawful bases’.
Objection rights
In certain circumstances you are entitled to object to us processing your personal information. If you receive any marketing, there will always be an unsubscribe option.
Restriction rights
In certain circumstances you are entitled to ask us to restrict our processing of your personal information. You can ask us to do this if:
● you dispute the accuracy of your personal information
● our processing is unlawful, but you prefer restriction to deletion
● we no longer need the information, but you need it for legal reasons
● you have objected to our processing and we are still dealing with this objection
Portability rights
In certain circumstances you are entitled to receive the personal information you have provided us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
Complain to the ICO
You can also complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) who is responsible for making sure that UK organisations comply with the law on handling personal information – https://ico.org.uk/global/contact-us/.
GDPR lawful bases
UK data protection law requires an organisation to have a lawful basis for its personal information collection and use, and there are several lawful bases available.
Performance of a contract
When you set up and use our services, almost all the personal information collection and use is necessary to provide the service.
If you provide us your contact details to ask us a question, request more information or contact our Customer Support, we use your details to reply and resolve any issues.
Legitimate interests
Some personal data collection and use is in our legitimate business interests. To use this lawful basis we assess both our interests and yours, to make sure that what we’re doing does not cause any unjustified privacy intrusion.
Examples: identity checks; fraud prevention and reporting; marketing campaign records; records of notifications sent to service providers.
Legal obligation
We have legal obligations to collect, use and keep certain information for certain purposes.
Examples: diligence on corporate customers; records of who has unsubscribed from marketing.
Marketing: if you have provided us your contact details to hear about Life Ledger and its services and you no longer want to hear from us, we are obliged by law to stop contacting you. To meet this legal obligation we will add your details to a suppression list so you no longer hear from us.
Contact us
Email: privacy@lifeledger.com
Post: Life Ledger Limited, Rame Innovation Hub, Antony, Cornwall, PL11 3AB.
Information for service providers
If you use our portal or API to access notifications, we will need your title, name, organisation and contact details to set up an account.
Your admin will be able to add other users, and the admin can see all activity and any communications with individuals or Life Ledger.